"The airport was the site of the most dramatic scenes of uncertainty and fear in the wake of the Taliban’s seizure of Kabul, a city of about 6 million people. Afghans stampeded for spots on departing planes. The airport’s civilian operations were suspended, the AP reported, as the U.S. and its allies continued with their evacuation of diplomats and nationals."
还有一个想法就是想到看到老观点说党是一个议行合一的组织,党员大部分都是各部门的事务官,党的领导和地方领导兼任组成政务,中央领导地方,上级服从下级,通过这种重叠性来保证党的政治动员力和执行力,这里事务官的de facto入党其实是个很中国特色的东西……就想到这个议在加强中央权力的状况下有多黑箱,基层能有多少反馈力…政治in practice真的很神奇
"Think small town American Graffiti. Dad owned Gas Station with car hop Drive-In next door in youth. Teenage years spent driving the circle around the high school and the 7 block trip to the turnaround at the other end of town talking shit and looking for chicks. When that got boring we'd stop at tMobil and talk shit with our buddies working there and hope some chicks showed up. Weekend and Summer stuff. School, practice and tLibrary during school year
Normal small town (3500) 60's life"
@kiririn 就有点感慨吧几次从机场回来的路上感觉都是迥然不同,第一次就很新鲜,第二次有点疲倦,第三次就是急急忙忙赶回来搬家,这次就有种曲终人散的寂寞吧。无非是心境不同罢了。